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jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

How to make a Personalized Certificate

Several weeks ago I has thinking about.. How can I made a certificate (Widget/advances actions plan/javascript lines/etc ,etc, etc), for Captive that allows me to get back the students name directly from the Adobe Connect account.
The text box area with variables trick.. wasn’t more an option.
Well, after a big research, ours and ours spended in the internet the solutions came to me.
You could see the Andrew Chemey (Adobe Systems) original solution at http://www.connectusers.com/tutorials/2010/08/cert_connect/

In this post I’ll show you how I apply it to my courses:

Step  1: Add the SWF example (extract it from Andrew Chemey post) as a new Asset
Correct answer

Step 1.1: Hey! Try it first with TEST folders!

Step 2: Create a new curriculum that includes an exam (just to assign points in the server, also a course name), do not forget to add the “Certificate” asset as a new curse.

Step 3: Important! enroll at least one student

Now you’re ready to GO, open the curriculum link with the student account, and do the test. See what happens!!

Heeeey look at this!!!! The students name came ALONE also the Global Certificate number!!! Fron the ADOBE CONNECT STUDENT’s ACCOUNT …WoooWW!! It’s Awesome!!!  Don’t you think!!!


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